Fighting back against motorcycle theft
Lock 2 Lock is a national motorcycle security scheme with a difference. The MAG Foundation re-launched the scheme on 13th August 2018 offering a tag to display to other riders.
It takes less than 20 seconds for a bike to be loaded into the back of a van. However, Lock 2 Lock is not about preaching statistics that most riders know, it is about promoting a biker-friendly and safer community. It proposes to do this by uniting motorcyclists in a bid to radically reduce bike theft.
Because of a lack of secure motorcycle parking areas, it is almost taken for granted that riders will park their bikes and then worry about whether they will still be there when they return. The Lock 2 Lock scheme has been created to make that sort of anxiety a thing of the past by enabling riders to properly secure their bikes when parked in public places.
The scheme is simplicity itself. By attaching a Lock 2 Lock tag to their bike lock, motorcyclists can help to drastically reduce motorcycle theft. The Lock 2 Lock tag displayed on a motorcycle authorises another Lock 2 Lock member to lock his or her bike security chain to that particular bike’s security chain. It is that simple.
The scheme enables two or more motorcycles to be locked together, making all the machines considerably more difficult to steal and protecting any number of motorcycles against theft. Only the locks are locked together, therefore any of the bikes can be removed from the “chain” of bikes when the owner desires.
The implementation of the Lock 2 Lock programme on a national scale is guaranteed to reduce motorcycle theft in the UK.
MAG members will receive a free Lock 2 Lock tag with Issue 78 September/October edition of The ROAD. Additional tags are available to all at a cost of £2 all proceeds go to MAG Foundation. Please contact Central office on 01926 844 064.