Key London Mayor Candidates Share Motorbike Views with MAG
Britain’s leading riders’ rights movement, the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG), has secured statements from the two front running candidates in the race to become Mayor of London. Sadiq Khan MP (Labour) and Zac Goldsmith MP (Conservative) shared with the Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) their thoughts and plans for the capital’s hundreds of thousands of qualified motorcycle and scooter riders – and both have expressed their appreciation of the importance of powered two wheelers as part of the London transport mix, promising to work to ensure their needs are taken into account. MAG is including links to their original text. Sadiq Khan’s statement link: https://wiki.mag-uk.org/images/a/a6/Sadiq_Khan_MP_2016_03_26.docx has appeared in the organisation’s magazine, The Road. Zac Goldsmith’s statement, link: https://wiki.mag-uk.org/index.php/File:Zac_Goldsmith_MP_2016_04_18.docx which arrived after publication of the magazine.
MAG’s Chair, Selina Lavender, is very encouraged by their responses. ‘MAG is not party political, we engage with members of all parties with a view to assisting riders in making an informed decision between leading candidates. As either Zac or Sadiq are tipped to win this election, we invited them to outline how they see motorcycles in the context of London Transport policy (as neither had done so prior to our involvement). We’re sharing their statements to enable motorcyclists and scooter riders to make an informed decision about who they’d like as Mayor.’
Selina claims riders haven’t always felt they’ve enjoyed a level playing field with other road users. ‘Hundreds of millions of Pounds have been spent on making cycling safer. All we’re asking for is consideration for our needs too – and recognition of the importance of motorbikes and scooters in our ever more congested city. I’m heartened by the responses of both these front-running candidates. MAG can and will work with the winner. We leave it to the motorcycle and scooter riders of London to vote to decide who that should be.’
For more information contact 01926 844064 and central-office@mag-uk.org