MAG has been in contact with Kent police following the appearance of a worrying film clip on YouTube suggesting that police might be using a stinger device to stop motorcyclists indulging in anti-social behaviour outside the Oakdene Café in Kent.
MAG Chair Selina Lavender explained “The Motorcycle Action Group (MAG) is very clear that our mission is to defend riders’ rights, not anti-social behaviour. It is regrettable that some who choose to ride motorcycles and scooters choose to behave in manner that MAG and the general biking community find unacceptable as do the general public. We do not condone this behaviour and support the police in protecting the safety of the public whilst bringing the perpetrators to justice.”
Kent police have responded immediately to MAG’s enquiry explaining that the stinger that appeared in the film clip would not be used in anything but the most extreme circumstances.
The police have agreed to meet MAG representatives and a meeting is expected within days.
MAG will publicise the results of this meeting.
Contact MAG at 01926 844 064 or central-office@mag-uk.org