14th – 16th July 2016
Chelsea College of Arts (University of the Arts London) will be hosting the 6th International Journal of Motorcycle Studies (IJMS) conference in London. IJMS is the only online, peer reviewed journal dedicated to motorcycle culture. IJMS is dedicated to the study and discussion of motorcycling culture in all its forms—from the experience of riding and racing to the history of the machine, the riders and design to the images of motorcycling and motorcyclists in film, advertising and literature.
We welcome submissions on all areas related to the cultural phenomenon of motorcycling worldwide and in particular art, design and visual culture. Suggested topics include:
• The motorcycle or riding in film, photography, literature, art and music
• The motorcycle as a design object or explored through art
• Motorcycle clothing/fashion/textiles and materials
• Advertising/marketing of motorcycles, gear and motorcycle culture
• Media representations of motorcycling
• Motorcycle technology/design/engineering
• Motorcycling and sustainability
• Motorcycling, craftsmanship, collection and customisation
• Motorcycle racing
• Motorcycle history in relation to design and visual culture
• The role of place/environment in motorcycling
• Motorcycling and issues of safety and risk
• Motorcycling and race, class, ethnicity, sexuality or gender
• The psychology of the motorcycle, the motorcyclist and the ride
• Motorcycle travel/tourism
• Motorcycle rights and politics
• The commodification of motorcycles, motorcycling and/or motorcyclists
• Other philosophical, literary, anthropological, geographical, historical, sociological, political,
economic/business or psychological perspectives of motorcycling culture.
In addition to traditional academic paper presentations, we encourage submissions using alternate forms, such as photographic works, art and design objects or multimedia presentations. Please respond to Lisa Garber (garberwwr@earthlink.net) Information about IJMS and the conferences can be found at:www.motorcyclestudies.org. If you are interested in finding out more about the conference, please contact the organiser (and WIMA member) Caryn Simonson email: c.simonson@chelsea.arts.ac.uk