MAG has announced that one of the leading campaigners for motorcyclists’ rights, Neil Liversidge, is resigning as Director of the organisation. Neil, who was one of the key leaders as MAG restructured itself into a proactive, politically energetic movement, said ‘I wish MAG, the staff and all of you personally all the well in the world, and I exhort you to support your Board and in particular the National Chair who is doing a great job which I admire very much. MAG has never in my experience had a better team than it has today. You are doing a great job and can be proud of yourselves.’
MAG’s Chair Selina Lavender has praised Neil’s contribution to the riders’ rights agenda across many years. ‘Neil is MAG through and through. He’s tirelessly contributed to our work at the cost of his health, his work and his family. No-one could have done more than Neil to help the organisation become the foremost voice for bikers in the UK and also in Europe. The Board and the National Committee wish to take this opportunity to formally thank Neil and acknowledge his dedication to the organisation. We all wish Neil well and look forward to seeing him at our events in the future.’
As a result the Board now has two Director vacancies, one of which is a financial role. Anyone interested in these positions should contact the Board via central-office@mag-uk.org
Contact MAG at central-office@mag-uk.org and 01926 844 064
Link to Neil’s statement https://wiki.mag-uk.org/images/f/f4/Liversidge_statement_official_2016_06_14.pdf